Shiny Happy Fiddle Leaf Fig

Do you have a fiddle leaf fig?
Is it dust collector?
I tried misting the leaves with water and then wiping them. This worked but I would have to repeat this regularly.

I saw this trick on pinterest and thought I would give it a go.
All you need is a clean cloth and some coconut oil.
First I dusted the leaves.
I put a small amount of coconut oil on a damp cloth. The coconut oil was a little hard so I add some warm water.
Then when the cloth was cool I wiped each leaf on the top side only.



Two weeks later:

One month later:
The leaves still look super shiny and the new leaf is the biggest one yet!!

I will definitely do this again. Now I just need to grow a few more big leaves. 

Note sure if this works for other plants? Let know if you've tried it.

Over two months later:
While not as shiny still looking stunning and best of all no dust!!


  1. Please share care tips , light, watering etc for this plant! I have a big one but not looking very happy :( getting droopy and I don’t know why! It’s facing a south window right now

    1. If the light is right (bright indirect light). The next thing to consider is watering. We only water our FLF when it has been completely dry for awhile a least a week. Then when we water it we soak all the soil completely. Hope this helps.


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