My Friend the Fern

The Maiden Hair Fern.
This is the plant that began my journey. It was a birthday gift before I was ready to be a plant mum.
I killed it.
Apparently it didn't like living next to the heatpump and never being watered. Who knew?
When I decided to start my plant owner journey I replaced the one I killed. I felt like I needed to try again.

We have been friends a couple of years now.
I call this fern a friend because I haven't cared for it like a mother. I haven't been the best friend either. She is a bit like that friend you had as a teenager that you had an awesome time with for awhile. It was amazing but then you didn't see each other for ages. You decide to try and hangout again to revive those funtimes.
Sometimes it works.
Sometimes the friendship(plant) dies.

My fern friend and I still hangout but she has suffered over the years.

She has had plently of leaves do this.

And this.

My fern nearly died multiple times.
I pulled off all the really dead stuff and tried again and again...... More light? Less light? More water? Spritz with a spray bottle daily? Kitchen? Hallway?

She kept coming back to life.
We are still friends.
Best of all I've now found her happy place.
She lives in the bathroom with a southfacing window that lets in filtered light. I don't have to water her as much here which is a bonus. And, unlike when she lived in the kitchen, she is happy here in summer and winter.
I'm slowly discovering that the secret to owning plants is finding the perfect spot for them to live.


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