My Strange Plant Addiction
My family and friends thought I was going to end up a crazy cat lady. Over the years I've showed good form. I have ALWAYS had a cat. Generally more than one. I watched two of my cats give birth right next to my bed. I even found a stray/wild kitten outside our house, bribed it into our house with milk and kept it. It scratched and bit me but I loved it. I love cats. I had two cats before I got pregnant with my first son. One of my cats died during that pregnancy and I never replaced her. I spent my time working and when the nesting started I made my son a beautiful nursery. When I was pregnant with my second child I bought my first plant. This was the beginning of the end. You see I have an addictive personality and once I caught the planting bug I was hooked. My nesting this pregnancy was VERY plant focused. I spent my time and money on plants. Indoor plants. Outdoor plants. Things to put plan...