Propagating a Rosemary Plant

My friend wanted some cuttings from my Rosemary plant so I thought I would have a go at propagating the Rosemary myself.
The plant needs a major cut back anyway!

I took cutting from the newgrowth on the bush. This generally looks a little lighter and is bendy.

I then removed the bottom leaves.

Then I placed a bunch in a jar of water with a small opening.

These cuttings drank alot over night and I had to refill the bottles in the morning.

Some people think plants root better in brown glass so I've put some in clear glass and some in brown.

 Within a three week the cuttings in the brown glass had grown roots.

The ones in the clear glass didn't have roots at this stage. A few eventually did but I had much better success with the brown glass.
I am now propagating some Angel Wing Begonia half in dark glass and half in clear. I wonder if the same thing will happen.

When the roots had grown for over a month I transplanted the cuttings into a pot of soil. The pot had drainage holes so the plant could be well watered after its transition.
As I have a large Rosemary plant in the garden I gave this plant away. Hopefully it is happy in its new home.


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