Plant Envy and Living in Tasmania

I am very lucky to live in Tasmania, Australia. It is truly a beautiful place. People think it is freezing down here but that is only true half of the year. I like to think of it as somewhere you really get to experience all four seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

We are also an island that is a little untouched compared to the rest of the world. This is enforced through very strict quarantine. While I agree and support this system it has caused me some MAJOR plant envy.  I look on instagram and see all these awesome plants that I would love but are tricky to get here. 

I spotted this Marimo Moss when I entered the world of the #urbanjungle on instagram. I quickly learnt that not only would it be hard to find but the quarantine laws here in Tassie mean you're not even allowed to have them here.

I believe in give and it will come back to you and I have given away lots of cuttings from my plants. I have received so many plants and cuttings from family and friends.
I recently got given a cutting of Donkeys Tail that has been on my wish list for a long time.

This is the original plant.

This is my cutting.

I was so excited and blessed to be given this huge cutting. Isn't it cute in this Kmart pot.

I've had Elephant ear on my wish list and found it growing outside our new house. Bonus!

So far those two have shown up for me!

So here is my wish list:

Begonia Maculata 

String of Nickels

Monstera Adansonii

Jewel Orchid

Wish list pictures from google images.

In future I also want to start collecting different Sansevieria. #snakeplant #motherinlawstounge
What is on your wishlist?
What plants have you been excited to finally find?
